IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant
The IRONMAN is the world’s longest triathlon,a race that links 3.86 km of swimming, 180.2 km of cycling, and42.2 km of running into a single blockbuster contest. It is tackledby athletes for whom the IRONMAN becomes a true way of life. TheIRONMAN is a memorable experience, not only for participants, butalso for their families and friends, volunteers and spectators.This FREE app has been developed so that the general public,athletes and volunteers have real-time access to the informationavailable about Subaru IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant and Subaru IRONMAN70.3 Mont-Tremblant, presented by Sportium, including all relatedactivities and services offered. View the courses so you can followand encourage the athletes throughout the races…and quickly checkthe results. You can also find more information:•Calendar of events•Course details•Details about the region•And much more!
La Victoire de l'Amour 1.2.13
The application lets you listen emissions Victory of Love.
iSnowTrailNB 1.0.6
An essential tool for New Brunswicksnowmobilers.iSnowTrailNB is the ideal travelling companion for anyonesnowmobiling in New Brunswick.Developed by the NBFSC, the map application displays the mostrecent data available on the network open to members. You will alsoeasily obtain a wealth of information related to services availablein close proximity to the trails, including services stations,restaurants, and lodging.- Know your precise location at all times- Plan your itinerary with in-between destinations- Calculate distances between two points- Obtain detailed information about the most recent trail groomingactivity- Situate yourself in relation to various services offered close tothe trail- Conduct queries by address or by services in close proximity toyour current position
Club VTT de la Matapédia 2.2.1
The must have application to explore thetrails of the Club VTT de la Matapédia.- View and search points of interest such as gas stations,tourist attractions, accomodations and many others!- Locate and position yourself on the map with your device'sintegrated GPS.- Explore new trails thanks to application's suggested routes.All trails and points of interest are updated frequently.
iMotoHR HD 1.4.1
The FQMHR pushes the practice of off-roadmotorcycling to the next level with the iMotoHR HDapplication!Developed by the Fédération Québécoise des Motos Hors Route,iMotoHR HD allows enthusiasts to fully enjoy their favorite sport.The application brings together cartographic data such as 7,000 kmof practicable trails, 23 parks, association members, associatemembers and many businesses and other points of interest foroff-road motorcyclists.The application will soon become an essential tool for all off-roadenthusiasts!- Consult 7,000 km of trails- Find and consult 23 registered parks by the FQMHR, thanks to thedetailed information sheets- Locate your position and your orientation relative to otherelements on the network, with or without cellphoneconnectivity- Search and find an association member, associate member, businessor any other point of interest with the searching tools- Search by address or name (City, region, etc.)
Le cimetière Saint-Charles 1.0.6
L'application du cimetière Saint-Charles meten valeur les richesses patrimoniales des d’un des plus vieuxcimetières de Québec.Avec sa multitude de fonctionnalités, l’application vous aidera àdécouvrir l’histoire des grands personnages de Québec.Grâce aux fonctionnalités de mausolée interactif, l’applicationvous permettra de vivre une expérience de commémoration unique etpersonnalisée.- Apprenez l'histoire du cimetière depuis ses origines.- Consultez les plus récentes actualités du cimetière.- Explorer le cimetière et ses monuments à l'aide de la carteinteractive et de ses contenus riches.- Parcourez les circuits autoguidés et découvrez le patrimoinehistorique des grands personnages de Québec.- Accédez à des souvenirs de commémorations tels que des vidéos,des photos, des textes, et des enregistrements audios,exclusivement accessibles à l’intérieur du mausoléeinteractif.The application of thecemetery Saint-Charles showcases the rich heritage of one of theoldest cemeteries in Quebec.With its multitude of features, the application will help youdiscover the history of the great people of Quebec.With interactive features mausoleum, the application will allow youto live a unique and personalized experience commemoration.- Learn the history of the cemetery since its origins.- See the latest news from the cemetery.- Explore the cemetery and its monuments with the help of theinteractive map and its rich content.- Browse through the self-guided tours and discover the historicalheritage of the great figures of Quebec.- Access memories of celebrations such as videos, photos, text, andaudio recordings, exclusively available within the interactivemausoleum.
Spectra Premium
The fastest and most effective way to view thecatalog of parts offered by Spectra Premium.Thanks to the mobile application Spectra, you can easily find partsmade specifically for a vehicle:- Search by plate number- Search by VIN- Search by vehicle (Year/Make/Model)With the advanced functionalities of the application, you onlyneed to point the camera of your phone in front of the plate numberor the VIN of a vehicle and the application will automatically showthe compatible parts.You can also search a part by product code with your camera orby entering it manually. The same can be done with parts from acompetitor to instantly find the equivalent offered by SpectraPremium.The parts history and favorites will facilitate the use of theapplication.Spectra Mobile allows you to view all the videos released bySpectra Premium.The section on promotional information of products allows you tofind out more about Spectra Premium’s catalog.In addition, the application makes it easy to directly contact anexpert at Spectra Premium by phone or e-mail for all yourquestions.Finally, learn more about the company through informativesections:- Company overview- Certifications- Chronology of the company- Address and contacts of the company’s various institutions
Le Campeur 2.3.0
The essential tool of RV enthusiasts.
FTQ-Construction Mobile
L’application FTQ-Construction a été conçuepour permettre aux travailleurs de la construction d’avoir accèsaux données personnalisées de leur convention collective.Le travailleur n’a qu’à s’identifier et l’application lui fournitautomatiquement ses données personnalisées de conventioncollective :- Salaire;- Vacances;- Avantages sociaux;- Régime de retraite;- Régime d’assurance,- Et bien plus!De plus, l’application FTQ-Construction permet au travailleur defacilement faire le suivi de ses activitésprofessionnelles :- Heures travaillées;- Distances parcourues;- Dépenses remboursables.L’application mobile de la FTQ-Construction est aussi un outilprécieux pour améliorer la communication entre le travailleur etson syndicat.- Système de messagerie courriel permettant de communiquerfacilement avec sa section locale;- Fil de nouvelles syndicales.Avec l’application mobile de la FTQ-Construction, lacommunication n’aura jamais été aussi facile entre le syndicat etses membres!The FTQ-Constructionapplication was designed to allow construction workers to accesspersonalized data of their collective agreement.The worker has to identify themselves and the applicationautomatically provides its customized data collective agreement:- Salary;- Holiday;- Social advantages;- Pension plan;- Insurance Plan,- And much more!In addition, the application allows FTQ-Construction worker toeasily keep track of their professional activities:- Hours worked;- Distance traveled;- Reimbursable expenses.The mobile application of the FTQ-Construction is also avaluable tool for improving communication between the worker andhis union.- Email messaging system to communicate easily with thelocal;- Union news wire.With the mobile application of the FTQ-Construction,communication has never been easier between the union and itsmembers!
Sentinelle Mobile
Un outil indispensable pour lestravailleurs.Ce nouvel outil vous permet de plonger directement au cœur de vosconditions de travail. En effet, cette application mobile a étéconçue afin de permettre aux travailleurs d’avoir accès aux donnéespersonnalisées de leur convention collective.Comment ça fonctionne?Dès la première utilisation, l’utilisateur est invité à choisir lesyndicat auquel il appartient et à inscrire l’emploi qu’ilpratique. Ensuite, il est invité à inscrire certaines donnéespersonnelles liées à son travail (ex : date d’embauche, nombred’heures travaillées, etc.).En ayant accès à ces informations, l’application peut alorsprésenter les données personnalisées de conventioncollective :Salaire;Particularités salariales;Vacances;Avantages sociaux;Régime de retraite;Régime d’assurance,Et bien plus!L’application mobile Sentinelle, c’est aussi un outil précieux pouraméliorer la communication entre les travailleurs et sonassociation syndicale.Système de messagerie permettant au travailleur de communiquerfacilement avec son représentant syndicale par courriel;Fil de nouvelles permettant aux organisations syndicales departager certaines nouvelles à leurs membres.Ainsi, avec l’application mobile Sentinelle, la communicationn’aura jamais été aussi facile entre le syndicat et sesmembres!An indispensable tool forworkers.This new tool allows you to dive right into the heart of yourworking conditions. Indeed, this mobile application was designed toallow workers to access personalized data of their collectiveagreement.How it works?Upon initial use, the user is prompted to choose the union to whichhe belongs and to enter the job he practice. Then he was invited toenter some personal data relating to his work (eg, hire date,number of hours worked, etc.).By having access to this information, the application can then havecustom data collective agreement:Salary;Wage features;Holiday;Social advantages;Pension plan;Insurance Plan,And much more!The Sentinel mobile application, it is also a valuable tool forimproving communication between workers and unionassociation.Messaging system allowing workers to easily communicate with hisunion representative by email;Newsfeed allowing unions to share some news to their members.Thus, with mobile Sentinelle, communication has never been easierbetween the union and its members!
DiveFree 1.1
DiveFree is the must-have application for amateurs of free diving.
TrailTracker for ORV Riders 1.0
A mobile app for riders to enjoy and share their experience.
Notre-Dame-de-Belmont 1.0.1
L'application du cimetièreNotre-Dame-de-Belmont met en valeur les richesses patrimonialesd’un des plus vieux cimetières de Québec.Avec sa multitude de fonctionnalités, l’application vous aidera àdécouvrir l’histoire des grands personnages de Québec.Grâce aux fonctionnalités de mausolée interactif, l’applicationvous permettra de vivre une expérience de commémoration unique etpersonnalisée.- Apprenez l'histoire du cimetière depuis ses origines.- Consultez les plus récentes actualités du cimetière.- Explorer le cimetière et ses monuments à l'aide de la carteinteractive et de ses contenus riches.- Parcourez les circuits autoguidés et découvrez le patrimoinehistorique des grands personnages de Québec.- Accédez à des souvenirs de commémorations tels que des vidéos,des photos, des textes, et des enregistrements audios,exclusivement accessibles à l’intérieur du mausoléeinteractif.The application ofNotre-Dame-de-Belmont showcases the rich heritage of one of theoldest cemeteries in Quebec.With its multitude of features, the application will help youdiscover the history of the great people of Quebec.With interactive features mausoleum, the application will allow youto live a unique and personalized experience commemoration.- Learn the history of the cemetery since its origins.- See the latest news from the cemetery.- Explore the cemetery and its monuments with the help of theinteractive map and its rich content.- Browse through the self-guided tours and discover the historicalheritage of the great figures of Quebec.- Access memories of celebrations such as videos, photos, text, andaudio recordings, exclusively available within the interactivemausoleum.
Discover Boating Safety 1.2.3
Indispensable to the Canadian boater
iQuad / PRO 4.1.0
The must have application for Quebec quad riders.
iMotoHR 1.7.1
iMotoHR is an essential tool for all off-road enthusiasts!
iQuad HD 3.7.2
The must have application for Quebec quad riders.
iNautique 2.1.2
iNautique is an application designed for nautical sportsenthusiasts in Quebec.
iQuad HD 3.7.2
The must have application for Quebec quad riders.
Heyday Properties 1.5
You deserve a work experience as unique as you are.HeydayProperties takes your office experience personally. Youinspire usto provide flexibility for a productive and fulfillingworkexperience. At a Heyday property, you have access to plug andplayoffice space, award-winning amenities, and a team that isfocusedon improving your work productivity every day. TheHeydayproperties app will allow you to access and manageeverythingrelated to your work experience: - Available Heydaypropertieslocations and what is available at each passport space -Accesscontrol to your Heyday spaces - Access to MRP Passportlocationsand booking capabilities at other properties - Bookconferencerooms, podcast rooms, and more - Access to MRP’s eventplanningteam - Order + delivery of food and beverages -Announcements andmessages from heyday staff team - Create andmanage your profile -Create and manage your company
CommonGrounds Workplace
The CommonGrounds app lets you access all the information onCGlocations.
Lioness Travel 1.2
Connects women travelers to women travel-buddies,localhostesses&solo-travelers